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Slow Down

 January has lots of goals and good intentions. My weekly realization is voiced beautifully by Sissel in this stunning arrangement. It's called Slow Down. She sang it in July of 2019. Lyrics are by Chuck Girard, arranged by Sam Cardon and conducted by Mack Wilberg with the Tabernacle Choir.

In the midst of my confusion
In the time of desperate need
When I am thinking not too clearly
A gentle voice does intercede

Slow down, slow down, be still
Be still and wait, on the Spirit of the Lord
Slow down and hear His voice
And know that He is God

In the time of tribulation
When I'm feeling so unsure
When things are pressing in about me
Comes a gentle voice so still, so pure

Slow down, slow down, be still
Be still and wait, on the Spirit of the Lord
Slow down and hear His voice
And know that He is God
And know that He is God

Two things in the past week have made me realize that I'm doing too much. First was a simple accident involving an onion and my chef's knife. I wasn't deliberate, probably distracted, the knife was probably dull, and in a split second I almost lost the tip of my thumb. *Super happy to report that my flesh wound is healing. But it's made me reflect on this one detail: An accident that takes a moment can take days and days to heal. Every time I play the piano or wash my hands or chop vegetables, I'm reminded that my thumb is not better yet.

The second mistake happened yesterday when I was driving. I drive a lot these days, and in the constant shuffling here and there, there are a handful of stop signs where I "slow and go." And yesterday as I did my double check looking to the left after a California stop, there was a pedestrian in the street three feet away from me!!! How did I miss him? This old walker/jogger gave me a dirty look which was Well Deserved, and I apologized and he probably thought, "This neighborhood is going to the dogs." I felt so bad. Once again, going too fast or being preoccupied and thoughtless could have led to a catatastrophe. I'm so grateful it didn't.

Another fitting theme song for me: "I can't do Everything." Seriously, this is a song title by Michael McLean from the 90's. So here's the deal. If there is too much on my list, then once again I need to re-evaluate and start crossing out stuff that's not essential. I need to look at my new year's goals and simplify. 

  1. Take care of me.
  2. Take care of my husband and children.
  3. Take care of my home.
  4. Then add in all the other people and activities.

Maybe my goal for 2021 might be to slow down. If I prioritize doing a few things well instead of doing a dozen things at a mediocre level, that might be smart. Another way to say this: Do less, but be deliberate.

Marjorie Hinckley said it this way: "We have a lot to learn about simplifying our lives. We have to decide what is important and then move along at a pace that is comfortable for us. We have to develop the maturity to stop trying to prove anything, to be what we are." (Glimpses Into the Life and Heart of Marjorie Pay Hinckley, edited by Virginia H Pearce, p.74)


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